
Apple Store in Second Life

Micro Persuasionで見つけたSecond Lifeネタです。

Visit the Apple Store in Second Life

Quick. Go download the latest version of Second Life and then teleport to the Apple Store. No, not the real thing but close! Someone has created an unofficial virtual replica of Apple's famed retail stores. They come complete with vintage Think Different posters and a virtual Genius Bar. Visit it while you can. More images here. How long before it shuts down? I give it until the end of this week. You can find it by searching for Aapl$tore or hit this SLURL to instantly teleport.

懐かしいThink Differentのポスターなんかもあるそうです。

それにしてもSecond Lifeネタってどこにでも転がっていますね。

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