
Google AdWords 品質スコア

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Quality Score updates are live

Last week, we released the Quality Score column and let you know that we would soon be making improvements to our Quality Score evaluation. Now, Avichal from the ads quality team is back with a quick update:

Today, we began rolling out improvements to the Quality Score algorithm, which will update the Quality Score for keywords in your account over the next 3 to 4 days. As I mentioned last week, the goal of this change is to improve the quality of ads that we serve to our users by making it easier for high quality ads to enter the auction while also discouraging low quality ads. In addition, this change improves our ability to set minimum bids for keywords where we have limited data. As a result, you may see the minimum bid for your keywords increase or decrease based on the updated algorithm.

To better understand the quality of your keywords after this change, we suggest that you enable the Quality Score column. This will allow you to quickly view the quality of the keywords in each of your ad groups so that you can make improvements. For example, if you notice that the minimum bid increases for a number of your keywords, you may want to consider optimizing your ad group to make it more relevant or deleting the keywords that have high minimum bids.
今日Quality ScoreのアルゴリズムをRoll outし始めたようですね。

キーワードのクオリティが変わったあとは、Quality Scoreカラムを有効にして確認するといいみたいです。


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