
Google ウェブサイト オプティマイザーについて その2


Website Optimizer Technical Overviewより

How Optimization Works
A web page is made up of a number of disparate elements, all of which work together to influence your visitors in ways that are not always intuitive. As a result, the only way to truly test page effectiveness is to actually change a page and see what happens. This is where Website Optimizer can help: by providing a way to quickly test many page designs and track user preferences.


Experimentation and Website Optimizer
Website Optimizer offers a robust laboratory environment for testing multiple versions of a web page simultaneously, with extensive reporting tools to analyze and compare the effectiveness of each version.

Website Optimizer can be used with any web page that attempts to persuade a visitor to take a specific action. In Website Optimizer, page effectiveness is measured by conversion rate--that is, the percentage of visitors who accept your call to action.

Using the Website Optimizer interface, you will set up and run an experiment to present one of many web page designs to each visitor. As the experiment progresses, the Optimizer gathers traffic and conversion data, analyzes the data, and presents the analysis along with suggestions on next steps. You can then make strategic decisions based on hard data.

Website Optimizer uses Google Analytics for tracking and analyzing experiment data. As a result, Website Optimizer has the same high quality performance and reliability as Google Analytics. As with Google Analytics, Website Optimizer can support experiments on web pages with millions of page views per day.


Multivariate Testing
Website Optimizer uses a multivariate testing model rather than the more common A/B testing. Multivariate testing (also called "factorial" testing) can offer much more fine-grained analysis. Instead of comparing the effectiveness of two completely different web pages, as in A/B testing, multivariate testing lets you change specific sections of your page and analyze how changes to each section affect the overall page's effectiveness. In addition, multivariate testing explores how combinations of page section content work together to influence your visitors.

For example, suppose you want to test two distinct versions of a web page and, unbeknownst to you, visitors are most attracted to the headline on page A and the image on page B. With A/B testing, you will never discover this fact. Multivariate testing is specifically designed to detect exactly this circumstance.

In this approach, you identify one or more sections of your web page, such as a headline, an image, a block of descriptive text, or some script, and then design some content variations for each section. During the experiment, visitors will see a combination of page section variations. Website Optimizer collects data on the effectiveness of each combination and performs analysis on the data.

In a typical scenario, you might choose two page sections to be tested, such as a headline and an image, and create one new variation for each section. In this scenario, four combinations would be tested:

1. Original headline / original image
2. Original headline / new image
3. New headline / original image
4. New headline / new image

Multivariate testing can identify useful information, such as

* which variation in each section performed best (that is, generated the most conversions)
* which combination performed best
* which sections seemed to have the greatest effect of the visitor

Interestingly, the best combination is not always a combination of the highest performing variations. A primary advantage of multivariate testing is that you are not simply testing the effectiveness of each individual variation, you are testing how well a combination works together (or not) to improve performance. For example, visitors to your mountain bike product page might really like the picture of a biker careening off a cliff--except when it is coupled with the also popular headline "SMASHING!!". The best combination turns out to be the careening biker photo with the headline "Push the Limit!".

It is also very useful to identify which elements on your page most influence your visitors. Multivariate testing looks at which sections result in the most extreme reactions between variations. For example, you might discover that your page gets the same conversion rate no matter which headline version is shown, but that visitors' reaction to the image varies drastically. This information helps you concentrate on the most important aspects of your page.


Google AnalyticsのようにWebsite Optimizer単体で使えたりしないのでしょうか???

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