Google Maps APIのオフィシャルブログGoogle Maps API Blogより Google Maps Mashups: Not just for coders!
Mike Pegg of Google Maps Mania has done a great job keeping the community updated on new and interesting tools that use the Google Maps APIs. His latest post targets the latest creation tools including:
* TinyMap: Quick and easy Google Maps
* Add your own map markers on CommunityWalk: Automatically adds a legend icon, shadowing and IE printing functionality. (Example here)
* GeoMonkey: Build your own map and explore others.
* Mapdaze: Google Maps creation tool meant for embedding into blogs.
We are always excited to see developers create tools that make it easy for anyone to effortlessly create their own Google Map. There's no reason why developers should be having all the fun. :)
If you'd like to let us know about your Google Maps app or ask questions about creating one, please head over to the Google Maps API group.
Mike Peggさんという方がGoogle Maps APIを使用して面白いモノを作ったようです。
* TinyMap: クイックで簡単なGoogle Maps
* Add your own map markers on CommunityWalk: 自動でアイコン、影、IEのプリント機能を追加
* GeoMonkey: 自分の地図を作成して他人のを探検できる
* Mapdaze: ブログに組み込むためのGoogle Maps作成ツール
結構前からGoogle Maps APIを使って色々遊んでみたいのですが、いまだに遊べてません。